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Home › TLRI research › Research completed › Post school sector › Shifting the conceptualisation of knowledge and learning in the integration of the new New Zealand curriculum in initial and continuing teacher educationShifting the conceptualisation of knowledge and learning in the integration of the new New Zealand curriculum in initial and continuing teacher education
Project Description
Around the world, researchers and policy makers emphasise that the ways knowledge and learning were thought about in twentieth century, industrial societies will not be appropriate for twenty-first century postindustrial ‘knowledge societies’ and therefore a change of conceptualisations of knowledge and learning is necessary (see, for example, Gee, 2003; Gilbert, 2005; Andreotti, 2010).
This research project tracked the engagement of eight teacher educators with theoretical discussions related to knowledge societies and post-modernity and traced the effect of this exercise on their conceptualisations of knowledge and learning in the incorporation of the New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) document (2007) in initial and in-service teacher education during 2009 and 2010. As part of the project, teacher educators undertook pedagogical initiatives with students in initial teacher education (ITE) and teachers from schools who were engaged in teacher professional learning, and they researched their own practice. The project sought to contribute to the understanding of how to best support teacher educators, teachers and student teachers to explore and critically engage with twenty-first century conceptualisations of knowledge and learning, and how they affected pedagogical practices.
Project Outputs
Presentations, conferences and workshops
Abbiss, J. (2010). Shifting conceptualisations of knowledge in teacher education: Collaborative research, partnership and power. Paper presented by Jane Abbiss at ALARA (Action Learning and Action Research Association) World Congress 2010, 6-9 September, Melbourne, Australia.
Ayrton, A., Major, J., Forghani-Arani, N. (2010). Shifting Understandings about Knowledge in Teacher Education: Creating spaces for negotiating ways of knowing. Paper presented at European Conference of Educational Research, Helsinki, Finland, August 24-27th, 2010.
Quinlivan, K. (2010) Putting Poststructuralism To Work In Educational Research: Using The TLRI Project As A Strategic Site For Re/Conceptualising Re/Conceptualising Curriculum and Teacher Educator’s Shifts in Knowledge and Learning. Graham Nuthall Trust Classroom Research Symposium. University of Canterbury, August 16-18tth, 2010.
Quinlivan, K. (2010) Re/Signifying Teacher Educator’s Shifting Conceptualisations Of Knowledge And Learning Within The New New Zealand Curriculum, European Conference of Educational Research, Helsinki, August 24- 27 2010.
Quinlivan, K. (2010). Re/Signifying Teacher Educator’s Shifting Conceptualisations Of Knowledge And Learning Within The New New Zealand Curriculum, University of Oulu, Finland. September 1st 2010.
Andreotti, V., Abbiss, J., Quinlivan, K. (2012) Shifting conceptualisations of knowledge and learning in the integration of the New Zealand Curriculum in teacher education. Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 242.58 KB
Major, J. (2012) Changing practice in teacher education through inquiry-based learning. A Case Study.Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative. - pdf - 180.25 KB
Bruce, J. (2012) Dancing on the edge: Exploring shifting conceptualisations of knowledge and learning through self-study. A Case Study. Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 204.68 KB
Ayrton, A. (2012) Knowing differently, not knowing more: A practitioner inquiry in primary pre-service teacher education. A Case Study. Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 690.73 KB
Andreotti, V. and Fa'afoi, A. (2012) Relating to others: Re-arranging configurations of cognition and affect. A Case Study.Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 407.8 KB
Freeth, W. (2012) Towards Reconceptualising Leadership: The Implications of the Revised New Zealand Curriculum for School Leaders. A Case Study.Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 212.47 KB
Moore, H. (2012) Inquiring into how the visual arts as embodied knowing and being contribute to the exploration and development of twenty-first century transformative learning sought by the New Zealand Curriculum.A Case Study.Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 230.02 KB
Fitzgerald, K. (2012) The contribution of embodied ways of knowing in reconceptualising dance in the New Zealand Curriculum: A grounded pathway for the twenty-first century.A Case Study.Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 2.82 MB
Abbiss, J and Quinlivan, K. (2012) Shifting conceptualisations of knowledge and learning in the integration of the New Zealand Curriculum in teacher education: A meta-ethnography.Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 574.19 KB
Fry, J., with Abbiss, J. (2012) Shifting Teachers’ Conceptualisations of Knowledge and Learning in Secondary ESOL: A Practitioner Inquiry: A Case Study. Wellington: Teaching Learning Research Initiative - pdf - 206 KB