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Home › TLRI research › Research completed › ECE sector › Te Kura Mai i Tawhiti: He Tau Kawekaweā: Building the foundation for whanau educational success and wellbeing; a Kaupapa Māori ECE approachTe Kura Mai i Tawhiti: He Tau Kawekaweā: Building the foundation for whanau educational success and wellbeing; a Kaupapa Māori ECE approach
Funding year:
2 years
Te Kopae Piripono / Te Pou Tiringa Incorporated
ECE sector
Project start date:
January 2014
Project end date:
March 2016
Principal investigator(s):
Dr. Mihi Ratima
Research team members:
Erana Hond-Flavell
Research partners:
Te Kōpae Piripono practitioners Aroaro Tamati and Hinerangi Korewha and kaupapa Māori researcher Dr Will Edwards
The aim of this research was to strengthen and build an evidence base around the effectiveness of an innovative kaupapa Māori early childhood centre’s whānau development approach to teaching and learning aimed at promoting substantial positive outcomes for Māori learners that are sustained throughout their life course. A key focus was the transformative power of a whānau development approach to early childhood education (ECE) in overcoming barriers to education and wellbeing for Māori whānau and the associated long-term maintenance and cumulative benefit of such.
Contact details:
Erana Hond-Flavell Te Kōpae Piripono, PO Box 6106 Ngāmotu/New Plymouth 0272414868;
Hond-Flavell, E., Ratima, M., Tamati, A., Korewha, H., and Edwards, W. 2017. Te Kura Mai i Tawhiti: He Tau Kawekaweā - pdf - 825.89 KB
Outcomes poster - pdf - 395.02 KB