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We are pleased to announce that the TLRI is now accepting Full proposals for its 2024 funding round for Whatua Tū Aka, kaupapa Māori research projects. All information is available here.
Since 2003, the TLRI has strengthened the relationship between educational research and teaching practice, with the ultimate goal of improving equity and outcomes for ākonga in Aotearoa.
As in recent years, there are two TLRI funding pathways:
- If you have already applied for funding under the Open Pathway, you can expect panel feedback on your Expression of Interest on 21 June 2024.
- If you are applying under the Whatua Tū Aka kaupapa Māori pathway, you can now submit a full proposal by 5pm, 22 August 2024.
Examples of current Whatua Tū Aka projects are:
Toi ora, reo ora, whatuora: a project exploring the reo Māori aspirations of three connected rumaki reo whānau in the Waitematā Kāhui Ako through the Māori pedagogy and practice of whatu. This project will contribute to scholarship and practice on Māori arts-based pedagogies as key language and cultural revitalisation practices within rumaki reo education.
Ngā pūrākau o Te Kura o Tuahiwi: a project investigating the impact of place-based pūrākau on early literacy teaching and learning, and the sociocultural impact of these pūrākau on ākonga, whānau, and kaiako.