Funding Levels
This TLRI encourages applications for projects at different levels of funding. The level of funding requested needs to be appropriate for the scale and scope of the proposed research (e.g., a small pilot study, or a large-scale project involving multiple sites).
Projects may be funded for one, two, or three years. The amount requested may be different for each year. If your project is for more than one year, you must clearly state the amount of funding you are seeking for each year. Note that future funding is subject to ongoing government funding, and to satisfactory performance in the first year. All figures are GST exclusive.
The maximum funding per year is $150,000 with a maximum of $450,000 across the life of the project.
Projects funded through the TLRI can be part of a wider programme of work, but there needs to be clear value added by TLRI funding. Please state if this proposal is part of a larger programme of research, and if so, indicate any other sources of funding (e.g., Teacher-led Innovation Fund, Ako Aotearoa’s National Project Fund, institutional funding).