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Research projects to improve outcomes for learners share $1.7 million in funding

The Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) supports partnerships between researchers and educators by funding projects expected to improve outcomes for learners.

This year’s funding of over $1.7 million has been allocated to eight projects. All eight are briefly summarised below.
The TLRI has been operating since 2003, and this allocation means a total of 159 projects have been funded. Projects may run from 1 to 3 years.

Researchers needed for 2019 TLRI selection panel

NZCER and the TLRI Advisory Board invite applications from researchers interested in being on the six-member external selection panel that will assess Full Proposals in the 2019 funding round.

Media release: Research projects to improve outcomes for learners share $1.4 million in funding

The Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) supports partnerships between researchers and educators by funding projects expected to improve outcomes for learners.

This year’s funding of over $1.4 million has been allocated to six projects, one in the early childhood education sector and five in the school sector.

Latest TLRI newsletter

Media release: Research projects to improve outcomes for learners share $1.3 million in funding

The Teaching and Learning Research Initiative (TLRI) has awarded over $1.3 million in funding to eight projects, which are expected to improve outcomes for learners.

All the projects are based on partnerships between researchers and educators, but diverge from there to span the curriculum across the early childhood, school, and tertiary sectors. The eight projects are summarised below, and include goal setting for schools, effective mathematics teaching in Māori medium settings, and the potential of online citizen science.

TLRI project leaders win teaching awards

Congratulations to TLRI project leaders Martin East and Azra Moeed who have won Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards. The awards are for sustained excellence in tertiary teaching and were presented at a function hosted by the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, Hon Steven Joyce at Parliament. You can read more about the awards here.

He pūtea tautoko mō te rangahau Māori New seeding grants for Māori research

The TLRI is funding new seeding grants to support Māori research. They are worth up to $10,000 each and are intended to support the development of proposals for the next full funding round in 2017.

You can read more here.

Considering and preparing an EOI

New to the TLRI? This document provides an overview of the fund, including its aims and principles, and steps you through the process of putting together an Expression of Interest.

2016 Funding round progress

Applicants who submitted Expressions of Interest for the 2016 TLRI funding round have been informed of the shortlisting decisions. Final funding decisions for 2016 will be made by 11 October.

Information about applying for a TLRI, including a list of all current and completed projects, is available available here.



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